Friday, April 15, 2005

my eyelid hurts......

either i've been rubbing it to much or i have a pimple there.
i decided not to jump the horse, cuz i wasn't used to the english saddle and was bumping around like a cork in a storm. maybe next time. we got a carriage ride though, and got to ride the horses through a river, and sarah got her feet wet.......
today i drove tractor while sarah and bear planted trees. they sat on the back tree planter thing and i tried not to knock them off when i lowered and raised the planter and turned corners and such. i think there was 2000 trees, which after planting needed to be straighted out and tamped down. it was great fun. maria mde me change my pants when i went inside which i thought was unkind as i'd only been wearing them for a couple weeks and i did offer to dust them off. :) speaking of weeks i've been happy for most of 3 of them, is that not dandy? i think it is.


Kris said...

Dude. You count happy weeks? But 3, that's sounds good. Not like I quite know what's normal for you in happy weeks :)

Cor said...

i do, as this is, like, the most i've had since, like, over a year ago. even one day of this kind of happy is unusual. so hey, i'm kinda pumped.

Kris said...

Well, congrats. May it continue.

elly said...

i'm happy too. look at me. i'm happy. so happy. happy! HAPPY, DO YOU HEAR ME???????

tired, too.

Cor said...

you sound convincing, dear elly.

Seanna said...

She sounds a bit defensive even.

Cor said...


elly said...

*silly grin*

i'm happy, oh so happy. that hammer to my head did wonders for my outlook on life.

*wanders off*

Cor said...

ahah! that's what it was. so nice. less messy than the ax my dad got in his skull, but probably just as effective. :)