Friday, June 03, 2005

you know when people in movies freeze time while they rob a bank or something? (inspector gadget, i beleive) well i was just watching a comercial where they did that, and i realized that if you froze time, everything would freeze up and you wouldn't be able to move anything in the frozen area., right? and if that's so, you couldn't even walk through the area, as the air would be frozen. and if i remember my science correctly, air is something, not nothing. :) just a weird thougt i had while watching tv.
last night i thought, someone walking into a bar and sitting down and saying 'got milk?' would be a great comercial for milk.
people are always trying to be bigger than themselves, right? we've always dreamed of flying. even now people are still trying to invent personal flying devices. hang gliding, bungee jumping..... any kind of extreme sport. any kind of sport period. dancing, music, art, love, ambition, even just trying to live ones life in such a way as to make someone else's world a bit better, and therefor your own. i quote kris - 'yelling and pounding and needing to be free.' - how many of us have wanted to just burst our lungs out in moments of extreme emotion? probably all of us. you know when you feel you just have to either fly or burst, scream or bust? when you wish we did get multiple lives just so we could try everything? some more things from literature to prove it's not just me, or just us, or just the young or weird. 'oh to have wings like a dove! far away would i fly. in the wilderness build me a nest, and remain there forever at rest.' psalms 55. anyone read cs lewis' suprised by joy? his discription of joy is that feeling of biggness, of bursting, of everything being just...... wow. you know when it's there for a second and then it's gone and you're left wanting it forever but knowing it'd probably bo way to big to sustain. in this world anyhow. which brings me to my conclusion, i think. it seems to me this wanting more, wanting to be 'bigger than life', is one of the biggest reasons to beleive in an after life. people have always beleived in some sort of heaven. why? partly because we hate the thought of this universe being deprived of our excelant selves forever(haha), but i suspect mostly because the belief in an afterlife is usualy the belief that after we're dead there's something greater, something better. why would we want something more, if this was all we've got? (i believe phillip yancey's book 'rumours of another world' deals with this in more depths than i could ever do, but i've only read a bit of it) of course lots of people would say we're just a bunch of delusioned idiots running around wasting t he time we have preparing for what's not there. but if that's so i think i'm happier being delusioned.

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