Monday, May 16, 2005

life sucks.
or i'm just experiancing my first ever heavy duty dose of pms, along with a cold that won't go away. who knows.
well okay either way life sucks. why couldn't i have been a guy? then i could pee in the bushes.
i was hearing about this person that i've known of most of my life. completely messed up. more than i guessed, even from seeing her respond like a brick wall.
if my nose is correct, a certain person in this house has been smoking pot. none of my relatives, don't worry. cuz none of my relys would ever do such a thing, right? haw. notice the thick layer of cynicisem(how the heck is that spelled?) in that last statement.
i think i should go upstairs and watch seinfeld. or take some painkillers. but i'm trying to outlast that desire, as i think my wrists are only hurting cuz i'm sick so it should go away eventually without the ehlp of anti inflamitories. i'm still mad at the dr who told me to take 2400 mgs of ibuprofen a day - i had to get a prescription for that much. it didn't work and it dulled my body to such things.
okay i am going to make the next post happier. i promise. even if it has to be fake. no more grumping for a couple of days on here. only excessive silliness from lack of sleep! 'she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes! she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes!' that just popped into my head and i thought it'd be a good place to start.
oh and thanks for letting me call last night kris. it was good to laugh. i'm gonna go write to my brother now and ask if he liked the movie.

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