Saturday, November 25, 2006

There's something about snow. It sticks in your hair - it's beautiful. I can't think of any wonderful poetic way to describe it, but you all know what I mean.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I have 3 days off! Which means I can do all sorts of dumb things with my wrists today (like typing and playing piano) because I have tomorow to recover. :) That's the plan, anyhow.
I. Hate. Rain. In. Winter. It's pretty much the only weather that makes affects my mood. I get angry. And bitter. And start putting paper snowflakes on the windows. And listen to things called 'Classics for Winter'. Just as Kris. She knows. I was doing it last night - I even made her cut out most of the snowflakes for me.
Also, in other news, my birthday is coming up, and the plan is to go camping. I just hope it doesn't rain. GRRRRRR.

Friday, August 18, 2006

How do relationships work?
When is it your responsibility and when the other persons?

I have a new job.
Brought my resumes out monday, start today.
Not bad.

Bright tacky colours are the bestest thing.
Not all the time, but much of it.

I'm going to learn to draw with charcoal.

Instead of trying to get extremely tanned, or using stupid tanning creams, try this.
Have a pale sister.
Get a tiny bit of a tan -
then wear white shirts.

I'm teaching my sister music theory.
Scary how much I forget.

How to remember the differance between a Diatonic scale and a Chromatic scale acording to my sister.
Diatonic=diat=diet=skinnier=it's a thinner scale. Not so many notes.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's harvest time, my dad is incredibly stressed, things are looking up after taking a nose-dive, anyone who knows farmers will probably know what I'm talking about. Minute to minute decisions, ones I can't make but watch my dad agonize over. A great crop, a flooded market. Farmers who are incredibly pessimistic and gloomy but who are in love with the quality of their crop. Tenting out at the farm - we start out the night with 5 people, but other people keep showing up and creeping into the tent. 'Um, is that you, Jen?' Thinking you're doing one thing but being roused at 5 in the morning being told you get to boss people around all morning, including people who know more than you on the subject. Thankfully the people you are bossing are very nice. In spite of the stress, having a wonderful time.
But - craving alone time. Not because of the people you're hanging out with, they're the best the world has to offer. Just because you've been around people constantly for a long time. And when you get it, because you've been around your family and friends so much the last week they won't care if you ditch them for a bit, your brain is clogged and all you can do is hardly even start to think about unwinding and thinking things through. Because you can't get through that dang layer in your brain that separates reality from unreality. Not in 10 minutes, anyhow. Maybe not in a lifetime, and that scares me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lots of times my thoughts (and life) seem like a never ending rotting onion, to use a very clumsy metaphore. First, I can't get at them. Then I get at one layer, sort of. But it stinks, and it does not make much sense. If i try to get past that one, because I know I'm only scratching the surface, there's another layer that makes less sense. And so on. If I try going out and away instead and have no better luck. Each new layer just gets bigger and more complicated and muddier. I try to understand a simple thing, like an apple. And I can't. And I know that even if I were to know the exact molecular make up and how it works and grows and the whole biology of it, it wouldn't make sense. The only way it makes sense is going back to God, and is God understandable? No. And that's a small example that I can understand, in a relative manner of speaking.
Why is the sky blue?
Why do I, whenever someone is mad or sad, shrivel inside as though either it's my fault, or why can't I do anything. If it's my fault, I probably still can't understand it, because I can't get at my thoughts, my actions, their thoughts, their actions, and why can't I be perfect? If it's not my fault, I just feel helpless. Like listening to someone cry in the next room. There is no sound quite so heartbreaking and lonely. Why can't I fix it? It hurts like hell, and It may not even by my hurt. But it is, by virtue of association.
Finding my way is like hurling myself against a brick wall. Even if, by some lucky chance, I can figure out something I should do to make myself a better person, I can't get at how. Even more complicated is why. How do I pray? How does it help? How do I act? Like I do, or like veryone else thinks I should? When do I stick with what I think or want or do and when do I defer to other people's judgement, because of course they're wiser than me, if only because they are surer of themselves.
I have a core of self confidance that I've been grateful for. (except for when something comes around and I wonder if it's just a veneer) But now I feel as thought each passing day shows me more and more how much of an insignificant worm I really am. How stupid I am. How silly. How imature. How no one likes to hang out with me. (here my core comes in and I laugh and say 'ha! they're gonna hang out with me anyhow.') Do I fight it with good thoughts about my great wonderfulness(ha), or do I just say 'finaly I realize what I'm really like, how do I fix me so I'm like what everyone else thinks I should be?' Both, I think, bad and untrue. But are they? Even harder, is God tearing down my self confidence so he can make me who he wants? Is that what he means by 'A broken and a contrite heart'? If so, why can't we get there already?
I say 'I don't know' and 'whatever' a lot. because, I don't know. I try. It doesn't work. I try some more. I go in circles. What's clear to other people is NOT clear to me. I try, I suceed a bit, I get stuck again. Things go foggy. I can't reach things. I can't reach people. I can't reach God. I can't reach myself. I only hope God can still reach me.
Maybe I can sum this all up this way - how do I be who God wants me to be, NOT who people want me to be, and NOT who I wan't me to be. How? How? How? How? Damn this life, how?
It's a girl! And her name is Seanna. Yes, yes it is. How do you like that? Oh wait. This might sounds like she's mine. She's not. She's my sister's. :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Why do we think about what we do? Why are some things on our minds sometimes, and other things other times? Why do some things stay for weeks, for no apparent reason? Is there always a reason, be it God, the devil, or something random somebody said? Even if it's something random somebody said, does it still all have a reason, or a consequance? Does 'reason' and 'consequance' amount to the the same thing? How much do we control our thoughts, and how much do they control us?
How come the guy on the Kal Tire comercial is so dorky looking, and the kid on the other comercial is so cute? Okay, cuz one's a tire comercial and one's a little kid. That question I can answer.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

It's springtime! How exciting is that. The orchards are starting to bloom. I love forsythias. Bible Study has been going good. My job is working for me. (not supposed to be a bad pun. or any pun at all) Soon my hair will be long enough to braid. I wish I could figure life out. But, maybe I can figure it out one step at a time. With flowers outside and sun in my hair and the smell of grass.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Can you want something you can't imagine? We were talking about this the other night. I can't figure it out. I can say that when I'm depressed I can't imagine being happy, which almost seems to translate into not wanting it. Maybe it's more that I just can't imagine 'happy' being real. So how can you want something that's not real? Wich is all a very bad state of mind, and I try not to be in it. Also, I try to think of other examples to try to clarify it, but it doesn't help. I really can't seem to untangle the problem, or the ramifications thereof. But that's okay. I think. Maybe I'll look back in ten years and not be able to imagine why I would think such silly things. Or maybe I'll think these things all my life, and die a normal old age death, triumphant in that I didn't kill myself, defeated in that I didn't 'get over' my problems. Maybe I will kill myself, defeated in every way. I guess I'm glad I don't know the future. Not always. I would love to know that I'm win over myself. But I would not want to know that I wouldn't. So. As everyone has decided before me, it's better I don't know. I guess.
Why am I being so morbid? I don't even feel morbid. Just what I've been thinking about, I guess.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Cor has not updated nigh unto almost 2 months. What shall we do to remedy this?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I am feeling very tired, and I am feeling very cynical. Go me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wow. Everyone is not posting so much. It's crazy.
I just thought that everyone would like to know that my sister has stopped eating pork.
Also, that I'm starting to be able to drive Kristen's car. The alternative being the car driving me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006